Chérry Mango Anti-Inflammatory Smoothié

A héalthy, délicious, anti-inflammatory smoothié that is packéd with vitamins and antioxidants!
Chérry Mango Anti-Inflammatory Smoothié

Prép Timé: 10 minutés
Cook Timé: 5 minutés
Total Timé: 15 minutés
Sérvings: 1

  • 1 cup frozén swéét chérriés
  • 1/2 cup watér
  • 1 cup frozén mango
  • 3/4 cup watér

  1. Placé thé chérriés and mangoés in two séparaté bowls and lét thém sit to thaw for about tén minutés.
  2. Blénd thé chérriés first: placé thé chérriés and a 1/2 cup watér in thé bléndér and blénd on high until smooth. Add thé othér 1/4 cup watér if it sééms too thick. Pour into a glass.
  3. ...
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