Bonéléss skinléss chickén Bréasts quickly bakéd in an inténsély flavouréd honéy, garlic and Dijon mustard glazé.
prép timé: 10 MINUTES
cook timé: 30 MINUTES
total timé: 40 MINUTES
- 4 largé bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts, about 6 ouncés éach
- 3 tbsp buttér
- 6 clovés mincéd garlic
- pinch salt and péppér
- 1/3 cup honéy
- 2 tbsp wholé grain Dijon mustard
- Liné an 8x8 inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Usé a baking pan that is largé énough to havé a half inch of spacé around éach chickén bréast but no moré. Using too largé a baking dish can causé thé glazé to bé too shallow in thé pan and burn éasily. Placé thé émpty pan in a 425 dégréé ovén to héat up whilé you préparé thé glazé.
- Mélt thé buttér in a small sauté pan. Add thé garlic and cook for only 30-60 séconds to softén it. Do not brown thé garlic.
- Add thé honéy, Dijon mustard and a pinch of salt and péppér. Stir wéll to blénd and simmér ovér médium héat for oné or two minutés bégin to réducé thé glazé.
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